Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Final Countdown!

It may be the most awesomely bad metal song of the eighties but it is also the very last day for me before I leave for Surfing the Nations and that song has kind of been my anthem for the last couple of days. I am definitely feeling all of the excitement from the last six months of waiting to leave rushing in on today! Last night I was feeling like it was definitely time to let out an "I'm so over joyed squeal". I am really nervous too. A good nervous though. As if I'm trying a new food or something. I mean Surfing the Nations is all very foreign to me. I know a lot about what they do and I've talked to their office staff a lot!! ha ha Please just pray for me. Pray that the flight over to Honolulu is safe and that I transition smoothly. If you would like to pray that I don't forget my toothbrush feel free because some how I always forget that little guy! Midnight tonight I'll be awaiting my 2 am departure into Honolulu. Crazinesss!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Prayer Bookmark!

I created a bookmark you can print out to remind you to pray for me. It was sent out with the support letters but I also wanted to give you a chance to print it out if you recieved my letter electronically or perhaps you lost it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thus far

In February, when I was first accepted into Surfing the Nations, I realized that I would have to send out support letters to help with everything. Never having to send out a support letter before I was terrified. I wanted to make sure that my letter was clear and concise and let everyone know exactly what I was doing. I didn't want to trick people into supporting me or something. I had actually never even gotten a support letter from anyone so I started researching and looking at how other people had written theirs. I wanted mine to be genuine and honest. It took me about a month and a half to sit down and actually write it, just as a side note it is so incredibly obvious to me that I did not write that letter because I am a terrible writer and it came out so well God totally prepared me and wrote that letter for me Go God!, but in that time of researching God did a lot of work on my heart. I was so afraid to send these out to real living breathing people. I didn't like asking people for money. It was like who am I to ask them for anything? God really showed me that there was no need to be afraid. Scripture says it. If you do not ask you will not receive. How will people know you need their support if you don't ask for it? Christian or non people love helping people who are helping people. Aside from the fact that we are the body and to better His kingdom we do it together. I fully believe that God will provide exactly the funds I need. I was so freaked out in Feb that I needed to save all this money and that I needed to take this really boring job even though I could have other jobs I actually enjoyed just so that I could have enough money to do this but now I realize that I didn't need to take that job because God has been saving for me. I mean hello God has been saving for me since he knew me. He knew that I was going to do this way before I knew. Where God leads he proceeds and where He guides he provides. I need so much support. Really I do. I mean as far as encouragement I feel like that is almost what I need the most aside from prayer. It is encouraging that people are praying for me......

I also wanted to note to everyone that while I'm in Honolulu at the school and while I'm in Israel, Egypt, Jordan, China and Hong Kong I will be posting pictures and hopefully some video to keep you all up to date on the happenings. So you can follow along with where I'm at in this amazing adventure I call life. I hope you feel apart of what I'm doing because if you are praying for me or supporting me in any way you are a part of it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

My support letter

For the past few years, I have strongly felt God calling me to the mission field. I believe going to the farthest parts of the earth and letting people know what God wants to do in their life is an extremely important call God has given me. “ But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?” Romans 10:14 –15b.
God has presented me with the opportunity to go to discipleship school this October. While I am there God will be breaking me, molding and making me into the woman He has called me to be. I will be maturing in the basics of discipleship: prayer, fasting, scripture, generosity, evangelism, and devotion, “progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and clearly…” Philippians 3:10.
On November 25- December 21,after two months of training, we are taking a mission trip to the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 Window is an area of the world that contains the largest population of non-Christians in the world. Specifically, we will be going to Israel, Jordan and Egypt. While there we will be visiting orphanages, ministries to the poor and needy street kids, sharing our faith with Israeli, Palestinian, and Arab peoples and building relationships with the locals.Hopefully I will be going to China and Hong Kong in February as well to do another mission trip. We will be distributing bibles, teaching English as a second language, helping the poor and needy and teaching the locals American sports like surfing and volleyball.
Lately, I have been learning (and am still learning) to depend on God fully, that if God guides, he will provide and it is okay to ask others for help. James 4:2 says, “You do not have because you do not ask”.So I am asking for your prayers:
v. Pray that God prepares our hearts and minds to evangelize and love the people of Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.
v. Pray that God works through all of us to glorify Him.
v. Pray that we are kept safe and healthy through such dangerous territories and through all of our travels.
v. Pray that we rely fully on God, to trust Him and to pursue Him daily, surrendering to His perfect plan for us.
v. Jesus Prays for All Believers: "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they might be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” John 17: 20-24

Beyond your prayers, if you are lead to support me financially, I will be forever grateful. I truly believe that this is the journey God has called me to and would greatly appreciate any level of support you are able to offer. All of your donations will go directly to me. I will be using them for travel expenses and things like that. You can send your donations to:

Surfing the Nations
P.O. box 29393
Honolulu, HI 96820

Please make your check or money order payable to Surfing the Nations and place my name in the memo line of the check.OrYou can also go online to make you donation via credit card through their secure Egiving system. Under the Purpose for gift note put my name. Surfing The Nations Foundation is a Nonprofit Christian Organization that mobilizes, prepares and trains Christians across the globe into missions. All Donations are tax deductible.

And lastly my prayer for all of you; “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.” 2 Thessalonians 1:11

May God Bless You!

Whitney Wolpert

Dropping the jigsaw pieces..

I read a great story that inspired me to change the name of my blog. Basically it was about how we all put together the jigsaw pieces of our lives the way we want to see it but we need to stop putting them together that way, drop them and let God pick up the pieces and show you the picture He has put together for you. Just imagine how much more beautiful and unpredictable the big picture of our life is without us always trying to put our own pieces in there. Its basically surrendering our life to the plans God has for us. I believe is ultimately what I will be trying to do in my life. To stop trying so hard to do what I want and to surrender to doing what God wants. This blog will be the adventures of where God takes me.